The goal of this project is to see if the S&P500 actually has large effects on employment and the number of new companies opening.
The first dataset we are looking at is Business Dynamics Statistics (BDS) dataset curated by Austin Cory Bart, Joung Min Choi and Bo Guan. This dataset has been recording changes in employment, firm creation, and destruction on the state level from 1978-2018. The other dataset we will be observing is historical data of the S&P 500 index. The Standard and Poor's 500 is a index that uses the stock prices of the 500 highest market cap companies publically traded in the United States. This index is widely regarded as a standard for the stock market as a whole and has all data going back to 1871. We are also using the US employment rate(ages 15-65) from the same time period.
Some columns are self explanatory but here are definitions for clarity
S&P 500
Year : The year recorded
SP500 : Price of the S&P 500 index, which is a weighted average of the stock prices within the index
Long Interest Ratew : The rate of interest that is commonly available in the market for a similar investment or loan at a given time
Earnings : composite earnings per share
Consumer Price Index : Value of market in current year over value at base year
Business Dynmics Statistics
State : State in which data is from
Year : The year recorded
DHS Denom : Two-period trailing moving average of employment
Number of Firms : Count of firms
Net Job Creation : Sum of the Job Creation Rate minus the Job Destruction Rate
Establishments Entered : count of establishments that entered during the year
Establishments Entered Rate : number of establishments that entered during the year divided by the number of establishments
Establishments Exited : count of establishments that exited during the year
Establishments Exited Rate : number of establishments that exited during the year divided by the number of establishments
Firm Exits : Count of firms exited that year
Jobs Created : Count of jobs created that year
Job Creation Rate : number of jobs that were created in the last year divided by the DHS denominator
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
bsd_df = pd.read_csv('')
snp_df = pd.read_csv('')
em_df = pd.read_csv('')
First, let's load in our data sets and make the necessary imports.
Date | SP500 | Dividend | Earnings | Consumer Price Index | Long Interest Rate | Real Price | Real Dividend | Real Earnings | PE10 | |
0 | 1871-01-01 | 4.44 | 0.26 | 0.4 | 12.46 | 5.32 | 89.00 | 5.21 | 8.02 | NaN |
1 | 1871-02-01 | 4.50 | 0.26 | 0.4 | 12.84 | 5.32 | 87.53 | 5.06 | 7.78 | NaN |
2 | 1871-03-01 | 4.61 | 0.26 | 0.4 | 13.03 | 5.33 | 88.36 | 4.98 | 7.67 | NaN |
3 | 1871-04-01 | 4.74 | 0.26 | 0.4 | 12.56 | 5.33 | 94.29 | 5.17 | 7.96 | NaN |
4 | 1871-05-01 | 4.86 | 0.26 | 0.4 | 12.27 | 5.33 | 98.93 | 5.29 | 8.14 | NaN |
State | Year | Data.DHS Denominator | Data.Number of Firms | Data.Calculated.Net Job Creation | Data.Calculated.Net Job Creation Rate | Data.Calculated.Reallocation Rate | Data.Establishments.Entered | Data.Establishments.Entered Rate | Data.Establishments.Exited | ... | Data.Job Creation.Births | Data.Job Creation.Continuers | Data.Job Creation.Count | Data.Job Creation.Rate | Data.Job Creation.Rate/Births | Data.Job Destruction.Continuers | Data.Job Destruction.Count | Data.Job Destruction.Deaths | Data.Job Destruction.Rate | Data.Job Destruction.Rate/Deaths | |
0 | Alabama | 1978 | 972627 | 54597 | 74178 | 7.627 | 29.183 | 10457 | 16.375 | 7749 | ... | 76167 | 139930 | 216097 | 22.218 | 7.831 | 81829 | 141919 | 60090 | 14.591 | 6.178 |
1 | Alabama | 1979 | 1037995 | 55893 | 58099 | 5.597 | 31.251 | 9668 | 14.701 | 7604 | ... | 76618 | 143675 | 220293 | 21.223 | 7.381 | 101842 | 162194 | 60352 | 15.626 | 5.814 |
2 | Alabama | 1980 | 1064141 | 54838 | -7253 | -0.682 | 32.464 | 8714 | 13.168 | 8871 | ... | 65734 | 106998 | 172732 | 16.232 | 6.177 | 120563 | 179985 | 59422 | 16.914 | 5.584 |
3 | Alabama | 1981 | 1051448 | 54791 | -9132 | -0.869 | 31.206 | 8371 | 12.687 | 7516 | ... | 70115 | 93941 | 164056 | 15.603 | 6.668 | 121251 | 173188 | 51937 | 16.471 | 4.940 |
4 | Alabama | 1982 | 1037728 | 53219 | -9658 | -0.931 | 33.144 | 8185 | 12.497 | 8621 | ... | 73083 | 98887 | 171970 | 16.572 | 7.043 | 119658 | 181628 | 61970 | 17.502 | 5.972 |
5 rows × 25 columns
0 | 1977-01-01 | 64.566791 |
1 | 1977-02-01 | 64.683217 |
2 | 1977-03-01 | 64.914083 |
3 | 1977-04-01 | 65.158112 |
4 | 1977-05-01 | 65.267202 |
Some of the data is a little messy, so lets do some cleaning:
First off, we will be averaging out monthy S&P data to an annual basis to line up with BDS data
snp_df['Year'] = pd.DatetimeIndex(snp_df['Date']).year
snp_df['Month'] = pd.DatetimeIndex(snp_df['Date']).month
snp = snp_df.groupby('Year').mean()
em_df['Year']= pd.DatetimeIndex(em_df['DATE']).year
em_df['Month'] = pd.DatetimeIndex(em_df['DATE']).month
em = em_df.groupby('Year').mean()
<ipython-input-74-a866a2b50a94>:3: FutureWarning: The default value of numeric_only in DataFrameGroupBy.mean is deprecated. In a future version, numeric_only will default to False. Either specify numeric_only or select only columns which should be valid for the function. snp = snp_df.groupby('Year').mean() <ipython-input-74-a866a2b50a94>:9: FutureWarning: The default value of numeric_only in DataFrameGroupBy.mean is deprecated. In a future version, numeric_only will default to False. Either specify numeric_only or select only columns which should be valid for the function. em = em_df.groupby('Year').mean()
Next, dropping data that is not being observed. This is due to irrelevance to comparison between the two datasets.
snp.drop(['Dividend', 'Real Price', 'Real Dividend', 'Real Earnings', 'PE10','Month'], axis=1, inplace=True)
bsd_df.drop(['Data.Calculated.Net Job Creation Rate', 'Data.Calculated.Reallocation Rate', 'Data.Establishments.Physical Locations', 'Data.Firm Exits.Establishment Exit', 'Data.Firm Exits.Employments', 'Data.Job Creation.Births', 'Data.Job Creation.Continuers', 'Data.Job Creation.Rate/Births', 'Data.Job Destruction.Continuers', 'Data.Job Destruction.Count', 'Data.Job Destruction.Deaths', 'Data.Job Destruction.Rate', 'Data.Job Destruction.Rate/Deaths'], axis=1, inplace=True)
em.drop(['Month'], axis=1, inplace=True)
To make the columns a little more readable, we will be renaming a few columns from the BDS set
bsd_df = bsd_df.rename(columns = { "Data.DHS Denominator" : "DHS Denom",
"Data.Number of Firms" : "Number of Firms",
"Data.Calculated.Net Job Creation" : "Net Job Creation",
"Data.Establishments.Entered" : "Establishments Entered",
"Data.Establishments.Entered Rate" : "Establishments Entered Rate",
"Data.Establishments.Exited" : "Establishments Exited",
"Data.Establishments.Exited Rate" : "Establishments Exited Rate",
"Data.Firm Exits.Count" : "Firms Exits",
"Data.Job Creation.Count" : "Jobs Created",
"Data.Job Creation.Rate" : "Job Creation Rate"
em = em.rename(columns = {"LREM64TTUSM156S" : "Employment Rate"})
Next we need to convert the BSD data to a national scale.
national_bsd_df['Establishments Entered Rate'] = national_bsd_df['Establishments Entered Rate']/50
national_bsd_df['Establishments Exited Rate'] = national_bsd_df['Establishments Exited Rate']/50
national_bsd_df['Job Creation Rate'] = national_bsd_df['Job Creation Rate']/50
<ipython-input-79-3bf9c52b1275>:1: FutureWarning: The default value of numeric_only in DataFrameGroupBy.sum is deprecated. In a future version, numeric_only will default to False. Either specify numeric_only or select only columns which should be valid for the function. national_bsd_df=bsd_df.groupby(bsd_df['Year']).sum()
for i in snp:
snp['Interest Change'] = ((snp['Long Interest Rate'] - snp['Long Interest Rate'].shift(-1))/snp['Long Interest Rate'].shift(-1))*100
snp['CPI Change'] = ((snp['Consumer Price Index'] - snp['Consumer Price Index'].shift(-1))/snp['Consumer Price Index'].shift(-1))*100
Since we're only using data from 2000-2018, lets restrict the S&P data to our timeframe
modern_snp = snp.loc['2000':'2018']
SP500 | Earnings | Consumer Price Index | Long Interest Rate | Interest Change | CPI Change | |
Year | ||||||
2000 | 1427.007500 | 51.490000 | 172.200000 | 6.029167 | 20.162764 | -2.748494 |
2001 | 1192.078333 | 35.916667 | 177.066667 | 5.017500 | 8.819808 | -1.561269 |
2002 | 995.630000 | 27.025833 | 179.875000 | 4.610833 | 14.840183 | -2.219706 |
2003 | 963.689167 | 36.285000 | 183.958333 | 4.015000 | -6.063560 | -2.607430 |
2004 | 1130.547500 | 55.300000 | 188.883333 | 4.274167 | -0.369075 | -3.281417 |
Now we're going to normalize the S&P data via min-max scaling
df_min_max_scaled = modern_snp.copy()
# apply normalization techniques
for column in df_min_max_scaled.columns:
df_min_max_scaled[column] = (df_min_max_scaled[column] - df_min_max_scaled[column].min()) / (df_min_max_scaled[column].max() - df_min_max_scaled[column].min())
# view normalized data
SP500 Earnings Consumer Price Index Long Interest Rate \ Year 2000 0.272380 0.399960 0.000000 1.000000 2001 0.139143 0.222137 0.063317 0.760647 2002 0.027730 0.120617 0.099854 0.664432 2003 0.009615 0.226342 0.152979 0.523462 2004 0.104246 0.443464 0.217054 0.584779 2005 0.147640 0.542862 0.300428 0.588525 2006 0.206400 0.677961 0.382393 0.707216 2007 0.300524 0.719677 0.457234 0.668770 2008 0.155482 0.353515 0.560763 0.441049 2009 0.000000 0.000000 0.550810 0.344046 2010 0.109214 0.578335 0.596596 0.333991 2011 0.182705 0.770917 0.686139 0.232650 2012 0.245472 0.810044 0.746701 0.000000 2013 0.394600 0.864396 0.790470 0.129732 2014 0.558023 0.986802 0.839616 0.174685 2015 0.632053 0.887100 0.843302 0.078864 2016 0.649433 0.823490 0.882192 0.009267 2017 0.851545 1.000000 0.948696 0.124803 2018 1.000000 NaN 1.000000 0.228904 Interest Change CPI Change Year 2000 0.558403 0.233799 2001 0.412754 0.526755 2002 0.490059 0.364281 2003 0.221645 0.268607 2004 0.294765 0.102296 2005 0.165070 0.140861 2006 0.344579 0.227413 2007 0.636566 0.000000 2008 0.461160 1.000000 2009 0.316483 0.513773 2010 0.496931 0.156999 2011 1.000000 0.411710 2012 0.000000 0.555665 2013 0.203485 0.518268 2014 0.542987 0.882513 2015 0.504603 0.604687 2016 0.030388 0.397427 2017 0.095540 0.521326 2018 NaN NaN
DHS Denom | Number of Firms | Net Job Creation | Establishments Entered | Establishments Entered Rate | Establishments Exited | Establishments Exited Rate | Firms Exits | Jobs Created | Job Creation Rate | |
Year | ||||||||||
1978 | 63623982 | 3468661 | 4890247 | 619312 | 14.90834 | 464562 | 10.96870 | 312668 | 13977564 | 21.62646 |
1979 | 67864608 | 3575606 | 4007005 | 593369 | 13.72708 | 424937 | 9.83448 | 285625 | 13215426 | 18.60928 |
1980 | 70080779 | 3589225 | 387682 | 552961 | 12.32880 | 472336 | 10.83810 | 329217 | 11531276 | 15.67912 |
1981 | 70504576 | 3641065 | 798676 | 548290 | 12.01528 | 429210 | 9.62642 | 281901 | 11417554 | 15.44372 |
1982 | 70990844 | 3635666 | 465009 | 569180 | 12.48792 | 501537 | 11.09402 | 347321 | 12092409 | 16.07354 |
State | Year | DHS Denom | Number of Firms | Net Job Creation | Establishments Entered | Establishments Entered Rate | Establishments Exited | Establishments Exited Rate | Firms Exits | Jobs Created | Job Creation Rate | |
0 | Alabama | 1978 | 972627 | 54597 | 74178 | 10457 | 16.375 | 7749 | 12.135 | 5248 | 216097 | 22.218 |
1 | Alabama | 1979 | 1037995 | 55893 | 58099 | 9668 | 14.701 | 7604 | 11.562 | 5234 | 220293 | 21.223 |
2 | Alabama | 1980 | 1064141 | 54838 | -7253 | 8714 | 13.168 | 8871 | 13.406 | 6058 | 172732 | 16.232 |
3 | Alabama | 1981 | 1051448 | 54791 | -9132 | 8371 | 12.687 | 7516 | 11.391 | 5176 | 164056 | 15.603 |
4 | Alabama | 1982 | 1037728 | 53219 | -9658 | 8185 | 12.497 | 8621 | 13.163 | 6077 | 171970 | 16.572 |
Employment Rate | |
Year | |
1977 | 65.417180 |
1978 | 67.118328 |
1979 | 67.924363 |
1980 | 67.183178 |
1981 | 67.070233 |
Here we are making a scatterplot to examine the correlation between the SNP and employment rate data.
plt.scatter(em['Employment Rate'].loc['2000':'2018'], modern_snp['SP500'])
#obtain m (slope) and b(intercept) of linear regression line
m, b = np.polyfit(em['Employment Rate'].loc['2000':'2018'], modern_snp['SP500'], 1)
#add linear regression line to scatterplot
plt.plot(em['Employment Rate'].loc['2000':'2018'], m*(em['Employment Rate'].loc['2000':'2018'])+b)
Here in the scatterplot, we can see that employment rate and the SNP are indeed positively correlated. This tells us that the more jobs there are, the stronger the S&P is.
To answer our question, we wanted to see the relationship between the S&P500 and the number of new establishments opening across the US.
plt.scatter(national_bsd_df['Number of Firms'].loc['2000':'2018'], modern_snp['SP500'])
m, b = np.polyfit(national_bsd_df['Number of Firms'].loc['2000':'2018'], modern_snp['SP500'], 1)
plt.plot(national_bsd_df['Number of Firms'].loc['2000':'2018'], m*(national_bsd_df['Number of Firms'].loc['2000':'2018'])+b)
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7e6e39a906a0>]
The common reason for rising or falling interest rates is commonly stated to be its effect on the stock market. The reason that rising interest rates have been happening is to slow down inflation by slowing down the economy. In this chart we have overlaid the interest rate and the S&P500 price to see if these two numbers are indeed negatively correlated.
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
# Plot the first x and y axes:
modern_snp.plot(use_index = True, y = 'SP500', ax = ax)
modern_snp.plot(use_index = True, y = 'Long Interest Rate', ax = ax, secondary_y = True)
<Axes: >
We can see that there is a negative correlation between the interest rates and S&P price, however it isn't as strong as we expected.
This raised the question if the interest rates affect other financial aspects which in turn affect the stock market.
We saw earlier that there is a very strong positive correlation between the number of firms in the US and the S&P500, so we thought to compare the interest rates and the number of firms. We are expecting a strong negative correlation, as when interest rates are lower people are more likely to take out loans to start their businesses.
plt.scatter(modern_snp['Long Interest Rate'], national_bsd_df['Number of Firms'].loc['2000':'2018'])
m, b = np.polyfit(modern_snp['Long Interest Rate'], national_bsd_df['Number of Firms'].loc['2000':'2018'], 1)
plt.plot(modern_snp['Long Interest Rate'], m*(modern_snp['Long Interest Rate'])+b)
Surprisingly, there is very little correlation between interest rates and the number of firms. This gives us a hint that lower interest rates may not actually slow down the economy, or at least have a smaller effect than we may think.
Now we want to see how CPI and Interest Rates are related. We have normalized the data for this chart and calculated the % change year-by-year.
df_min_max_scaled.plot(use_index = True, y=["CPI Change", "Interest Change"], kind="bar")
<Axes: xlabel='Year'>
This shows that there is a loose correlation between Interest Rates and CPI, as they have increased in a similar pattern over the years.
We want to run modeling to predict the S&P Price based off of employment data and interest rates. We also want to see the statistical relationship between CPI and Job Creation.
To start off the modeling, we reloaded the datatsets and combined them into one. For the sake of the model having more than 18 points to go off of, we expanded the dataset to 1978-2018. Once again, columns were renamed and datasets were brought to a country-wide and annual level.
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
#loading the datasets
bsd_df = pd.read_csv('')
snp_df = pd.read_csv('')
em_df = pd.read_csv('')
# reprocessing S&P 500 Data
snp_df['Year'] = pd.DatetimeIndex(snp_df['Date']).year
snp_df = snp_df.groupby('Year').mean()
# reprocessing Employment Data
em_df['Year'] = pd.DatetimeIndex(em_df['DATE']).year
em_df = em_df.groupby('Year').mean()
# renaming columns for clarity
bsd_df = bsd_df.rename(columns={
"Data.DHS Denominator": "DHS Denom",
"Data.Number of Firms": "Number of Firms",
"Data.Calculated.Net Job Creation": "Net Job Creation",
"Data.Establishments.Entered": "Establishments Entered",
"Data.Establishments.Entered Rate": "Establishments Entered Rate",
"Data.Establishments.Exited": "Establishments Exited",
"Data.Establishments.Exited Rate": "Establishments Exited Rate",
"Data.Firm Exits.Count": "Firms Exits",
"Data.Job Creation.Count": "Jobs Created",
"Data.Job Creation.Rate": "Job Creation Rate"
# converting the BSD data to a national scale
national_bsd_df = bsd_df.groupby('Year').sum()
national_bsd_df['Establishments Entered Rate'] = national_bsd_df['Establishments Entered Rate'] / 50
national_bsd_df['Establishments Exited Rate'] = national_bsd_df['Establishments Exited Rate'] / 50
national_bsd_df['Job Creation Rate'] = national_bsd_df['Job Creation Rate'] / 50
# switching the data for the period 1978-2018
modern_snp = snp_df.loc[1978:2018]
modern_em = em_df.loc[1978:2018]
modern_bsd = national_bsd_df.loc[1978:2018]
# combining datasets for analysis
combined_df = pd.concat([modern_snp, modern_em, modern_bsd], axis=1)
<ipython-input-91-8ca7537911db>:12: FutureWarning: The default value of numeric_only in DataFrameGroupBy.mean is deprecated. In a future version, numeric_only will default to False. Either specify numeric_only or select only columns which should be valid for the function. snp_df = snp_df.groupby('Year').mean() <ipython-input-91-8ca7537911db>:16: FutureWarning: The default value of numeric_only in DataFrameGroupBy.mean is deprecated. In a future version, numeric_only will default to False. Either specify numeric_only or select only columns which should be valid for the function. em_df = em_df.groupby('Year').mean() <ipython-input-91-8ca7537911db>:33: FutureWarning: The default value of numeric_only in DataFrameGroupBy.sum is deprecated. In a future version, numeric_only will default to False. Either specify numeric_only or select only columns which should be valid for the function. national_bsd_df = bsd_df.groupby('Year').sum()
SP500 | Dividend | Earnings | Consumer Price Index | Long Interest Rate | Real Price | Real Dividend | Real Earnings | PE10 | LREM64TTUSM156S | ... | Data.Job Creation.Births | Data.Job Creation.Continuers | Jobs Created | Job Creation Rate | Data.Job Creation.Rate/Births | Data.Job Destruction.Continuers | Data.Job Destruction.Count | Data.Job Destruction.Deaths | Data.Job Destruction.Rate | Data.Job Destruction.Rate/Deaths | |
Year | |||||||||||||||||||||
1978 | 96.020000 | 4.916667 | 11.392500 | 65.233333 | 8.410000 | 367.645000 | 18.830000 | 43.618333 | 9.378333 | 67.118328 | ... | 4962352 | 9015212 | 13977564 | 21.62646 | 391.116 | 5179679 | 9087317 | 3907638 | 685.347 | 298.134 |
1979 | 103.022500 | 5.376667 | 13.981667 | 72.575000 | 9.442500 | 354.778333 | 18.510000 | 48.105833 | 8.926667 | 67.924363 | ... | 4632428 | 8582998 | 13215426 | 18.60928 | 334.204 | 5741812 | 9208421 | 3466609 | 652.701 | 248.511 |
1980 | 118.783333 | 5.950000 | 14.925833 | 82.408333 | 11.460000 | 359.646667 | 18.040833 | 45.305833 | 8.831667 | 67.183178 | ... | 4428137 | 7103139 | 11531276 | 15.67912 | 303.970 | 7565920 | 11143594 | 3577674 | 765.026 | 253.869 |
1981 | 128.041667 | 6.415833 | 15.010000 | 90.925000 | 13.910833 | 352.351667 | 17.631667 | 41.251667 | 8.464167 | 67.070233 | ... | 4442950 | 6974604 | 11417554 | 15.44372 | 302.958 | 7462470 | 10618878 | 3156408 | 713.231 | 216.159 |
1982 | 119.725000 | 6.792500 | 14.021667 | 96.500000 | 13.001667 | 309.840000 | 17.586667 | 36.340000 | 7.346667 | 65.746441 | ... | 4974181 | 7118228 | 12092409 | 16.07354 | 332.512 | 8063916 | 11627400 | 3563484 | 784.128 | 241.401 |
5 rows × 33 columns
Now that we have the data all together, it's time to start modeling. First off we want to look at what features predict the price of the S&P 500 best. While variables such as real price and dividend are great predictors, these can not be used in our models as they are directly calculated from the price we are trying to find.
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.impute import SimpleImputer
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
# separating features and target
X = combined_df.drop('SP500', axis=1)
y = combined_df['SP500']
# impute missing values if there are any
imputer = SimpleImputer(strategy='mean')
X_imputed = imputer.fit_transform(X)
# splitting the data into training and testing sets
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X_imputed, y, test_size=0.3, random_state=42)
rf = RandomForestRegressor(n_estimators=100, random_state=42), y_train)
importances = rf.feature_importances_
# converting the importances into a DataFrame
feature_importances = pd.DataFrame(importances, index=X.columns, columns=["Importance"]).sort_values(by="Importance", ascending=False)
Importance Long Interest Rate 0.162479 Real Price 0.107764 Dividend 0.097069 Establishments Entered Rate 0.093644 Consumer Price Index 0.084320 Data.Establishments.Physical Locations 0.070976 DHS Denom 0.067088 Real Dividend 0.064239 Earnings 0.059980 Number of Firms 0.052412 Data.Calculated.Reallocation Rate 0.033000 Establishments Exited 0.021036 Job Creation Rate 0.018142 Establishments Exited Rate 0.015618 Real Earnings 0.011821 Data.Job Destruction.Rate 0.005615 Data.Job Destruction.Rate/Deaths 0.005541 Data.Job Destruction.Continuers 0.004686 Firms Exits 0.003992 Data.Firm Exits.Establishment Exit 0.003759 PE10 0.002570 Net Job Creation 0.002053 Data.Job Creation.Rate/Births 0.001705 Data.Firm Exits.Employments 0.001651 LREM64TTUSM156S 0.001438 Data.Calculated.Net Job Creation Rate 0.001410 Establishments Entered 0.001316 Data.Job Destruction.Count 0.001130 Data.Job Destruction.Deaths 0.000944 Jobs Created 0.000928 Data.Job Creation.Continuers 0.000893 Data.Job Creation.Births 0.000779
To test our hypothesis, we are using Consumer Price Index, Interest Rate, and DHS Denom. To see which has the best accuracy on a linear regression, we will loop through each one and analyze the performance metrics.
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error, r2_score
y = combined_df['SP500']
# individual features to test
features_to_test = ['Consumer Price Index', 'Long Interest Rate', 'DHS Denom']
# store results
results = {}
# looping over each feature to evaluate the model
for feature in features_to_test:
# selects the feature for the model
X = combined_df[[feature]]
# splits data into training and testing sets
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.3, random_state=42)
# train the regression model
model = LinearRegression(), y_train)
# evaluating the model
y_pred = model.predict(X_test)
r_squared = r2_score(y_test, y_pred)
rmse = np.sqrt(mean_squared_error(y_test, y_pred))
# results
results[feature] = {'R-squared': r_squared, 'RMSE': rmse}
for feature, metrics in results.items():
print(f'Feature: {feature}, Linear Regression R-squared: {metrics["R-squared"]}, RMSE: {metrics["RMSE"]}')
Feature: Consumer Price Index, Linear Regression R-squared: 0.8144860090222715, RMSE: 345.33851831162474 Feature: Long Interest Rate, Linear Regression R-squared: 0.6197036930717091, RMSE: 494.44471711601204 Feature: DHS Denom, Linear Regression R-squared: 0.7915089626998075, RMSE: 366.1005506400515
Looking at the three features tested, Consumer Price Index had both the highest R-squared and root mean squared error. While DHS Denom was close in both of these, we figure it would make more sense to stick with our hypothesis and build a model with Consumer Price Index. Starting off we just rebuilt the model to make the training and test sets.
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error, r2_score
X = combined_df[['Consumer Price Index']]
#X = combined_df[['Consumer Price Index', 'Long Interest Rate', 'DHS Denom']]
y = combined_df['SP500']
# splitting data into training and testing sets
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.3, random_state=42)
# training the linear regression model
model = LinearRegression(), y_train)
# evaluating the model
y_pred = model.predict(X_test)
print(f'Linear Regression R-squared: {r2_score(y_test, y_pred)}')
print(f'Linear Regression RMSE: {np.sqrt(mean_squared_error(y_test, y_pred))}')
Linear Regression R-squared: 0.8144860090222715 Linear Regression RMSE: 345.33851831162474
This accuracy didn't quite satisfy so the next step is to try a few other models and see analyze the performance metrics in comparison.
from sklearn.ensemble import GradientBoostingRegressor
# Gradient Boosting Regressor
gb_model = GradientBoostingRegressor(random_state=42)
# fitting model on the training data, y_train)
y_pred_gb = gb_model.predict(X_test)
# evaluate the model
print(f'Gradient Boosting R-squared: {r2_score(y_test, y_pred_gb)}')
print(f'Gradient Boosting RMSE: {np.sqrt(mean_squared_error(y_test, y_pred_gb))}')
Gradient Boosting R-squared: 0.9164525900606401 Gradient Boosting RMSE: 231.75183548891127
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor
# Random Forest Regressor
rf_model = RandomForestRegressor(random_state=42), y_train)
y_pred_rf = rf_model.predict(X_test)
# evaluate the model
print(f'Random Forest R-squared: {r2_score(y_test, y_pred_rf)}')
print(f'Random Forest RMSE: {np.sqrt(mean_squared_error(y_test, y_pred_rf))}')
Random Forest R-squared: 0.9054539073026859 Random Forest RMSE: 246.53494097662892
Gradient boosting showed the best across both metrics, so we may l be sticking with that. Just to get some more insight on their behavior, we will run a cross validation across all three models.
from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_score
# models
lr_model = LinearRegression()
rf_model = RandomForestRegressor(random_state=42)
gb_model = GradientBoostingRegressor(random_state=42)
# cross-validation for Linear Regression
cv_scores_lr = cross_val_score(lr_model, X, y, cv=5, scoring='neg_mean_squared_error')
rmse_scores_lr = np.sqrt(-cv_scores_lr)
# cross-validation for Random Forest
cv_scores_rf = cross_val_score(rf_model, X, y, cv=5, scoring='neg_mean_squared_error')
rmse_scores_rf = np.sqrt(-cv_scores_rf)
# cross-validation for Gradient Boosting
cv_scores_gb = cross_val_score(gb_model, X, y, cv=5, scoring='neg_mean_squared_error')
rmse_scores_gb = np.sqrt(-cv_scores_gb)
# RMSE scores
print("Linear Regression - Cross-validated RMSE scores:", rmse_scores_lr)
print("Random Forest - Cross-validated RMSE scores:", rmse_scores_rf)
print("Gradient Boosting - Cross-validated RMSE scores:", rmse_scores_gb)
Linear Regression - Cross-validated RMSE scores: [354.09047432 224.78266018 249.29325151 355.77029918 564.76291953] Random Forest - Cross-validated RMSE scores: [153.46716735 139.232752 354.94663443 204.01469503 920.43292515] Gradient Boosting - Cross-validated RMSE scores: [148.08577 98.30223837 355.6041144 201.99914799 926.30728342]
Once again, Gradient boosting performed best so we will using that.
combined_df_no_2008 = combined_df[combined_df.index != 2008 ]
# defining features and target variable without 2008 data
#X_no_2008 = combined_df_no_2008[['Consumer Price Index', 'Long Interest Rate', 'DHS Denom']]
X_no_2008 = combined_df_no_2008[['Consumer Price Index']]
y_no_2008 = combined_df_no_2008['SP500']
model = GradientBoostingRegressor(random_state=42)
# cross-validation for the model without 2008 data
cv_scores_no_2008 = cross_val_score(model, X_no_2008, y_no_2008, cv=5, scoring='neg_mean_squared_error')
rmse_scores_no_2008 = np.sqrt(-cv_scores_no_2008)
# RMSE scores
print("RMSE scores without 2008 data:", rmse_scores_no_2008)
RMSE scores without 2008 data: [107.99136219 88.22442438 268.96826634 180.86562176 928.0975116 ]
Curious about the high RMSE variety, we checked to see if taking out the 2008 recession improved this. Results concluded this was not making a significant difference. The next step is tune the hyper parameters for lowest RMSE.
from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV
from sklearn.ensemble import GradientBoostingRegressor
from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error
# parameter grid to search
param_grid = {
'n_estimators': [100, 200, 300],
'learning_rate': [0.01, 0.1, 0.2],
'subsample': [0.8, 0.9, 1.0],
'max_depth': [3, 4, 5],
'min_samples_split': [2, 4],
'min_samples_leaf': [1, 2],
# regressor
gb_regressor = GradientBoostingRegressor(random_state=42)
# grid search with cross-validation
grid_search = GridSearchCV(estimator=gb_regressor, param_grid=param_grid, cv=5,
scoring='neg_mean_squared_error', verbose=2, n_jobs=-1), y_train)
best_params = grid_search.best_params_
best_rmse = np.sqrt(-grid_search.best_score_)
print(f'Best parameters found: {best_params}')
print(f'Best RMSE: {best_rmse}')
Fitting 5 folds for each of 324 candidates, totalling 1620 fits Best parameters found: {'learning_rate': 0.01, 'max_depth': 3, 'min_samples_leaf': 1, 'min_samples_split': 2, 'n_estimators': 300, 'subsample': 0.8} Best RMSE: 123.86738179234608
Now that we have the best parameters, let's check out the model performance.
# best parameters from grid search
best_params = {
'learning_rate': 0.1,
'max_depth': 3,
'min_samples_leaf': 1,
'min_samples_split': 2,
'n_estimators': 300,
'subsample': 0.8
# Gradient Boosting Regressor with the best parameters
gb_best = GradientBoostingRegressor(**best_params, random_state=42)
# fiting the model on the training data, y_train)
y_pred_gb = gb_best.predict(X_test)
# R-squared and RMSE
r2_gb = r2_score(y_test, y_pred_gb)
rmse_gb = np.sqrt(mean_squared_error(y_test, y_pred_gb))
# performance metrics
print(f'Gradient Boosting R-squared: {r2_gb}')
print(f'Gradient Boosting RMSE: {rmse_gb}')
Gradient Boosting R-squared: 0.9201413570136057 Gradient Boosting RMSE: 226.57795363366336
For a little more insight, a cross validation.
File "<ipython-input-101-aa609efaf6fd>", line 1 For a little more insight, a cross validation. ^ SyntaxError: invalid syntax
# model
gb_model = GradientBoostingRegressor(**best_params,random_state=42)
# cross-validation for Gradient Boosting
cv_scores_gb = cross_val_score(gb_model, X, y, cv=5, scoring='neg_mean_squared_error')
rmse_scores_gb = np.sqrt(-cv_scores_gb)
# RMSE scores
print("Gradient Boosting - Cross-validated RMSE scores:", rmse_scores_gb)
Finally, to test our hypothesis, we will be adding current data that wasn't in our datasets to see if the model would better predict S&P Price with Consumer Price Index, Interest Rates, or both.
best_params = {
'learning_rate': 0.1,
'max_depth': 3,
'min_samples_leaf': 1,
'min_samples_split': 2,
'n_estimators': 300,
'subsample': 0.8
model = GradientBoostingRegressor(**best_params, random_state=42)
# training data
X_train = combined_df[['Consumer Price Index', 'Long Interest Rate']]
y_train = combined_df['SP500'], y_train)
# new data for prediction (2019-2023)
new_data = {
'Consumer Price Index': [255.657, 258.811, 270.970, 292.655, 304.515],
'Long Interest Rate': [2.14, 0.89, 1.45, 2.95, 3.96]
new_data_df = pd.DataFrame(new_data)
# both features
predicted_sp500_prices_both = model.predict(new_data_df)
# using only CPI[['Consumer Price Index']], y_train) # retraining with only CPI
predicted_sp500_prices_cpi = model.predict(new_data_df[['Consumer Price Index']])
# using only Interest Rate[['Long Interest Rate']], y_train) # retraining with only interest rate
predicted_sp500_prices_ir = model.predict(new_data_df[['Long Interest Rate']])
print("Predictions with both CPI and Interest Rate:", predicted_sp500_prices_both)
print("Predictions with only CPI:", predicted_sp500_prices_cpi)
print("Predictions with only Interest Rate:", predicted_sp500_prices_ir)
In our hypothesis testing using a Gradient Boosting Regressor with optimized parameters, we aimed to predict S&P 500 prices using contemporary data on the Consumer Price Index (CPI) and Interest Rates. The results, however, revealed a significant discrepancy from realistic S&P values. The model's predictions using both CPI and Interest Rates showed some variance but were considerably lower(thousands) than typical S&P 500 values. Predictions based solely on CPI were identical across all years, suggesting a static model response to changes in CPI, which is unlikely in real-world financial markets. Conversely, using only Interest Rates produced a downward trend in predictions, with values decreasing each year, yet these predictions were still unrealistic. These outcomes suggest limitations in the model's capacity to capture complex real world events like the COVID-19 Pandemic. It highlights the challenges in financial market prediction using limited features and emphasizes the need for incorporating a broader range of economic indicators, possibly including more nuanced market data or sentiment analysis, for more accurate forecasting.
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